How do I add an event to the Console?

Console Administrators can create events within the Console in order to compile all data related to a crisis or drill for reporting purposes. 

To add an Event in the Console:

  1. Click the Event tab.
  2. Click Add Event.
  3. Complete the Event Details
  4. Apply the incoming responses or roster responses that you would like to associate with the event (these can be filtered by date, crisis type, or school if needed). 
  5. Choose an event by clicking on the red Uncategorized button to the right. The event button should turn green after it has been selected.
  6. Click Continue when you are finished.
  7. Next, choose any video to associate with the event, click the red Uncategorized button to select it. Videos can be viewed or downloaded by clicking the blue Action icons to the right of the video. 
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Choose any additional documents or emails to associate with the event. This can also be done by clicking the red Uncategorized button to the right of the document.
  10. Once all material for the event is selected, click Submit.

Note:  If responses have been sent to the system after you have logged in to the console, click Refresh to view new responses.

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