Who receives a tip report?

Reports are received by trained and trusted members of your organization's administration team. This could be a safety official, supervisor, principal, or other trusted staff that needs to be made aware of bullying situations in order to respond quickly and efficiently.

You can add different types of reports to a message group and choose report receivers from within the Administrative Console. In order for a user to receive a report, they must be a Group Manager and also selected as a Report Receiver within the message group configuration. 

To view and edit Report Receivers for a group:

  1. Log in to the Console
  2. Hover over Message at the top of the screen and then click Message Group Management
  3. Click the pencil icon to edit a group. 
  4. Click Configuration and then Report to see a list of the reports turned on for the group.
  5. Click the blue pencil icon to the right of the report to view your editing options. 
  6. Scroll down and view all managers of that group. 
  7. Choose the Report Receivers by checking the box beside the appropriate group managers’ names. 
  8. Once you have selected all desired report receivers, click Submit.
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