How do I view student emergency contact information?

To view emergency contact information By Teacher:

  1. Log into the CrisisGo app and navigate to the Organization tab.
  2. Select Class Roster.
  3. Select the Building and choose By Teacher in the bottom left corner.
  4. Select the Teacher.
  5. Select the Course/Grade that the student is in.
  6. Press and hold the Student’s Name until a window pops up with the emergency contact information.  

To view emergency contact information By Grade:

  1. Log into the CrisisGo app and navigate to the Organization tab.
  2. Select Class Roster.
  3. Select the Building and choose By Grade in the bottom right corner.  
  4. Select the Student's Grade Level.
  5. Press and hold the Student’s Name until a window pops up with the emergency contact information.  

Note:  Tap the student's emergency contact phone number to make the call. The call will appear on their caller ID as Anonymous or Private Caller.

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