What is Post-Alert Mute?

Turning on Post-Alert Mute for a crisis type mutes any CrisisGo tones following the initial Alert until the alert is released.

  • Post-Alert Mute turned OFF:  The alert tone will sound for 30 seconds and stop.  Subsequent app tones will follow normal settings.  Recommended for:
    • Fire
    • Weather Events (Tornado, Lightning)
    • Explosion, etc.
  • Post-Alert Mute turned ON:  The initial alert tone will sound for 30 seconds. Any subsequent tones, however, will be muted on the device.  Recommended for:
    • Active Shooter
    • Armed Intruder
    • Lockdown

How to Turn on Post-Alert Mute:

  1. Log in to the console and click Crisis/SOP at the top of the screen.
  2. Click the name of the crisis that needs Post-Alert Mute.
  3. Check the box beside Post-Alert Mute to mute any following CrisisGo tones until the Alert is released.
  4. When you are finished making changes, Publish the console to push the new data to the CrisisGo app.

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