How do I set up Fast Alert?

Once enabled, the Fast Alert button appears on every screen within the CrisisGo app and allows users with permission to do so to quickly set off an Alert.

Once an Alert type has been enabled within the Alert section of a message group, it can then be added as a Fast Alert.

To configure Fast Alerts:

  1. Navigate to Message Group Management
  2. Click the Fast Alert tab
  3. Click New Critical Alert

  1. Click the dropdown beneath Alert Type. All of the Alerts configured within the message groups will appear.
  2. Choose an Alert type and corresponding icon. Custom icons can be uploaded by clicking UPLOAD.

  1. You can also set the Fast Alert as the default app landing page by clicking Display Settings and toggling the setting ON. When this option is turned on, users will first see the Fast Alert landing page after logging to the app.

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