What is Escalation?

Emergency alarms, like fire alarms, notify every occupant of a building of a threat. Imagine if when an alarm went off in a single school building, the school district’s safety admins and first responders could be immediately notified as well. 

Alert Escalation achieves just that for every type of emergency. When an Alert is sent in the CrisisGo app, you can now instantly and automatically escalate that Alert to ensure that all necessary parties are pulled together to coordinate the best safety response. 

The Benefits of Automated Alert Escalation 

• Once an Alert has been escalated, safety responders can engage in emergency communication with the members at risk.

• You can pre-configure escalation to multiple safety responders at the same time to ensure everyone needed is included in the communication. 

• The automated process means you don’t have to worry about people forgetting to escalate the situation in the heat of the moment. It also removes the need for a middleman having to send additional Alerts to notify safety administration of the situation. 

• The targeted nature means you can make sure that specific emergencies are escalated to the appropriate parties (i.e. violent incidents are escalated to the police while medical emergencies are escalated to the school nurse).

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